Ever since the days of hex-editing levels in Wolfenstein 3D and Doom, mods have been prevalent in PC gaming society. The best thing I’ve loved about PC gaming can be summarized in one word: Mods. I’ve always considered myself a fan of PC gaming. Outside of dates and grammatical changes, this is left mostly untouched. This was originally written around 2010, and I had put this here to give the site some “content” before I had published something new. This mod is not compatable with old save games.Before I started the Secret Area in 2012, I had been casually writing about mods and other assorted stuff on a more personal blog.

This will correct itself once you do another kung fu dodge. Sometimes, during a kung fu dodge, the game speed may not speed up to normal speed. If this occurs, simply go into bullet time to unfreeze yourself. Very rarely, it is possible to become frozen. When you run out of bullet time, you will use the kung fu kicks instead of shoot-dodging. The kung fu dodges now replace all of the old directional jumps. The forward-right dodge now performs a right kicking combo. The forward-left dodge now performs a left kicking combo. The forward dodge (by pressing your dodge button while moving forward) now performs a flying sidekick. The default attack (by pressing your shoot button) now performs a front kicking combo. The Kung Fu Mode replaces the leadpipe weapon. Run Max Payne, and in the startup window goto "Choose Customized Games" and select KungFu_09 in the drop-down box. You can download the full version of this intro video if you'd like at:Īnd then just replace the old MPKungFu.avi with this new one.

Make sure the MPKungFu.avi file is unzipped into your "Max Paynemovies" directory. Unzip the KungFu_09.mpm file into your Max Payne directory (the directory that contains the MaxPayne.exe). BNZ's Level Selector (contact BNZ at Sniper bullet can now cut through an entire line of enemies. Minor weapon adjustments and more ammo, with some new weapon sounds (and weapon sounds are now loud). An experimental hand-to-hand kung fu combat system.