It's been a few years, but I managed to get a HMS victory and some other large ships from there. Provides the latest information about Plague of the Dead and Caribbean Hunt.

If you're wondering where you can get premium ships for free, try going to the facebook community page. Official Facebook profile of The Pirate series. As such, a player may feel compelled to carry out the historically-accurate pirate tactic of choosing frigates or smaller ships to complement their fleet, so that they can repair them easier. This money-focused dynamic also means that larger, heavily armed ships do not always entail superior performance ships of the line are devastating and can carry out siege bombardments and normal manouevres alike without sinking, but the cost of replacing their guns and wood when damaged is ludicrous. sinking) but also the financial cost - even if a ship doesn't sink, you may not be able to afford the expenses to repair it. You constantly have to look out for your fleet being damaged, and learn to calculate not only the physical cost of a confrontation(ie. Unlike some other pirate games, this game has a smooth sense of progression you start with a sloop and slowly work your way to the top, and frankly, the game doesn't get much easier the further up you go. Haven't played it in a while, but the time spent slowly building up my fleet, managing finances and capturing enemy ships was well worth it.